
Showing posts from April, 2019

Public porn: when you can, and can't, view and have sex in public

Public porn: when you can, and can't, view and have sex in public Not here, you don’t! Shutterstock Samantha Pegg , Nottingham Trent University Pornhub’s latest annual statistics once again reveal some interesting trends in the viewing habits of its UK users. The good news is that the UK’s taste in pornography appears to have matured – quite literally: “MILF” is now the second most searched for term among British Pornhub users. This follows my 2016 article about the dangers associated with the rise in searches for “teen” porn , a search term that remains popular globally but no longer features in the top 20 UK searches. In 2017, we saw increased interest in bondage porn and this trend continued in 2018. In fact, people in the UK are 28% more likely to search for bondage porn than other users. But interest in watching sexual activity take place in public is growing, too. In 2017, I noted a rise in searches for the very specific p

Upskirting is now illegal – now the normalisation of men's sexual privilege in society must be tackled

Upskirting is now illegal – now the normalisation of men's sexual privilege in society must be tackled shutterstock Hannah Bows , Durham University Upskirting – taking a photo or filming underneath a skirt or dress without consent – has finally become a criminal offence in England and Wales (it was already an offence in Scotland from 2010). Yet despite this progress, a recent report conducted by British GQ reveals that one in 10 men don’t think upskirting is sexual harassment. In some ways this isn’t surprising, as men’s entitlement and sexual privilege has in many ways become a cultural “right”. Take for example the response to women describing their widespread experiences of men’s sexual entitlement (#metoo), it wasn’t long before the #notallmen hashtag appeared – with many men denying and normalising such behaviours . From video games developed where players (most likely men) can “play” at raping women, to advertisements th