
Showing posts from February, 2013

Avoiding Defamation

Here is a short but very useful guide to what *might* constitute defamation. Guide to Defamation This is an interesting topic to study but one wouldn't want to actually fall foul of it. Regards from, Phil

Google & The World Brain

Watch Google & The World Brain Quote from BBC 4 website: Storyville: Documentary which tells the story of the most ambitious project ever conceived on the internet and the people who tried to stop it. In 1937 HG Wells predicted the creation of the 'world brain', a giant global library that contained all human knowledge which would lead to a new form of higher intelligence. 70 years later the realisation of that dream was under way, as Google scanned millions of books for its Google Books website. However, over half those books were still in copyright and authors across the world launched a campaign to stop them, climaxing in a New York courtroom in 2011. This is a film about the dreams, dilemmas and dangers of the internet, set in spectacular locations in China, USA, Europe and Latin America.

Google Search - pirate bay the movie

While trying to (re)find the Pirate Bay The Movie site and trailers earlier I got this interesting message on the Google Search Results Page for pirate bay the movie

Pirate Bay - The Movie

Here is a trailer for a new documentary about The Pirate Bay. The documentary itself came out in the last few days and is available for download. The full movie can be found on YouTube or visit the supporting website. The Pirate Bay - Away From The Keyboard Guess what you should do if you are interested in this topic?

Impact of Technology on Music Industry

Above is a simple but useful video about the impact of technology on the music and movie industries. This was made a few years ago (March 2007) but the key points are still relevant. Aside: As of today (Feb 12th 2013) it  has been viewed 6,866 times. An interesting example of what can happen when we give the rest of the world the option to see some of our stuff.

Food Fraud - A High Tech Crime?

Over the weekend I was mulling over some aspects of the current horse meat in what were supposed to be Beef Burgers etc. There is an argument for saying that this is an example of Hi-Tech Crime. How? Processed food is often part of a very long production change and it is only through the use of preservation technologies (such as freezing meat) that food can be slaughtered well in advance of the need for it and sometimes be transported long distances for processing. Livestock, carcasses following slaughter and all the other ingredients that have to be brought together require extensive use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), networked computers systems for databases, payment transfers and so on. The technology allows the source of the food for processing to be separated from the destination of the food unlike any previous time in history. But these long supply chains are then susceptible to criminals who might want to engage in social engineering, old fashioned threats or briber

Music, Movies & Madness?

This week we will be looking at the issues arising from the impact of technology including the Internet and World Wide Web upon some established intellectual property based industries.

Is Privacy Possible?

Assuming the option of privacy is desirable we should ask; is it possible? A quick Google search will reveal plenty of articles on this topic (and a library search many academic ones) but for a short and readable one see Can You Erase Yourself from the Internet? (courtesy of PC Pro). This is an especially topical subject given the news today of new developments in on-line tracking and data mining. See for example this Guardian article about Ratheon's RIOT program or view the video (above). As a Criminology student you should be aware that much of the debate around these systems is centered around their potential impact on civil liberties and personal privacy versus law enforcement and counter-terrorism arguments. You might like to think about these systems, and their potential for contributing to the effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System or at least how it might impact upon patterns of criminal behaviour. A starting point be a consideration of the potential b

Secret History of Hacking

Here is a documentary about hacking called The Secret History of Hacking. This video is actually embedded via some code and is actually on YouTube . If this links is not working then simply search YouTube for "Secret History of Hacking".

Connect With Respect?

Try taking this quiz from the UK Safer Internet Centre. There is an option for people over 16, which you should take. Why not have go and see how you do? If you get a good score then great but then have a second go and deliberately get a bad score - then take a look at the feedback and tips this prompts the system to give you. What do you think of it?

BBC WebWise Safety Video & Tips

View the video then read the tips at the BBC WebWise site. If the embedded video (above) doesn't play then you can view it on the BBC site. You can also find some useful safety tips via the JISC website.

Remembering Columbia ST 107

Remembering Columbia ST 107 courtesy of NASA. There is rarely gain without loss.